TEVET 5782
May it be Your will, Lord our God and God of our father’s that you renew for us a good month in our Lord Yeshua
the Messiah. Amen.
December 4th – January 3rd 2022
The three winter months are Tevet,Shevat, and Adar
With 29 days, the month begins with the last days of Chanukah.
Hanukkah memorializes
Characteristics of Tevet
Anger is giving place to the devil.
Exercise spiritual discipline so your anger emotion doesn’t get the best of you
This is the month to pray for your leaders that God has given you so godly authority is established.
The enemy has great strategy this month to pull leaders away.
The Letter associated with Tevet is Ayin.
Pictures an eye, it is time for your good eye to see – time to get focused.
It is like when two people look at a situation, and one sees encouragement, and the other sees defeat.
It’s all how we look at things. The Jews call this the battle between our “good eye” and our “evil eye.”
The Lord highlights the importance of vision this month and calls us to see with our good eye, His eye, the heavenly perspective. When looking at others we are to “dig for the gold.”
Ask God to have eyes to see through His perspective.
What are you focusing on this month?
Focus on God is required to war against the evil eye and break the power of evil watchers.
This is a great time to review our education and see where we need to advance.
Review your promises and prophetic words so you can move forward in your call and His destiny for you.
Declare those promises and prophecies – speak them into the atmosphere.
Tevet is a time of return and redefinition.
Choose to renew your commitment to God.
Choose to renew your commitment to your country.
Choose to renew your commitment to your heritage. (something transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor)
Use the power of the month to discover who you really are and who God has created you to be.
Ask God how to form a rear guard over the past season, so you can move forward.
This is the key to personal redemption, which is in turn the key to national redemption.
Ayin also pictures a spring or a well, revealing it is a time for new life to flow.
Call forth the new life God is waiting for you to birth.
The three tribes of the season are Dan, Asher and Naphtali all situated on the north side of the Temple.
These three tribes marched out last.
They were strong warriors and knew how to take down their enemy without even touching them.
This is foretold in Jacob’s prophecy over him…
“Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel.
Dan shall be a serpent by the road, a viper on the path, that bites the horse’s heels
so that its rider will fall backward” Genesis 49:16-17.
Ask God to show you strategy, like Dan, to take down the enemy, without even touching him.
Be it addiction, insomnia, healing, breakthrough, whatever the enemy has stuck on you.
Ask for the strategy to get it out of your life.
Dan means to rule or to judge or to execute judgment – to grow up to mature.
There comes a time every year to give your testimony.
Does that thing that made you mad last year, still make you this year?
Do you still get offended by the same things? Are you still gossiping?
Your testimony will show maturity or immaturity.
Ask for discernment regarding any opposing issues in your life.
Ask God if there is a situation or person you have miss judged.
Ask God what you can do to rectify the situation.
The tribal association with Dan indicates this month requires us to discern between two opposing issues.
Tevet brings great artistic anointing, especially with fabrics and metals, weavers, designers of furniture, furnishing and
Pray for new, artistic and creative expressions, especially for worship.
A Look at Tevet Historically
Both Ezra and Nehemiah gave new life to the nation of Israel.
The fledgling Jewish community of Israel was under siege and disintegrating, desecrating the Sabbath, intermarrying while being physically threatened by the local Samaritans. (even the High Priest had sons that inter-married)
While many Jews had returned after the first announcement from Cyrus allowing them to return home and build their Temple (Ezra 1:1-3), Ezra did not accompany Zerubbabel in the original group.
Instead, he remained in Babylon and organized over forty-thousand Jews to return to Israel, which wasn’t very many compared to the half million in captivity. Ezra had his work cut out to bring change to the Jewish people.
Nehemiah was a prominent Jew, who rose to power under King Darius. Distraught about the news from Israel he approached the king taking great risk to speak of building up another country while working in the King’s palace. Fortunately, King Darius not only agreed, he gave him an army contingent and free rein to use them as he saw fit.
Nehemiah arrived with the might of the Persian army behind him. Immediately, he organized them into family units capable of defending themselves, and at the same time, continued the work day and night fixing the wall.
Nehemiah put it this way, “We labored in the work… from the break of dawn till the stars appeared” (Nehemiah 4:15).
The new community was not more than twenty-five-mile radius and it was surrounded by Samaritans, Phoenicians, and Idumeans – all fierce people. Yet, in spite of these obstacles, within five years, Ezra and Nehemiah reversed the decline, breathed new life into the Jewish community and turned the situation around.
Follow the lead of Ezra and Nehemiah and gird up your family.
Ask God if there are breaches in your wall and get them restored.
Despite being surrounded by fierce people they flourished.
Keep working to reverse the decline, breathe new life with the Word of the Lord, into areas of your life and sphere of influence that have declined.
Mazal -Constellation and Stars
Constellation is Capricorn – Gedi (goat) –
The Capricorn is actually a goat with the tail of a fish. It can be confused with serpentine-like creature that draws from Dan who is compared to a snake and a lion. Time to judge between two natures.
The significance is that the “goat nations” bear watching and prayer.
“A dangerous time because you are going to see nations that are not allies of covenant, take a wrong turn.” Chuck Pierce
“As we are called to be salt and light in this world, both watchmen and shepherds, we should care deeply that whatever nation we have been born into, or sent to, becomes a “sheep nation” and not a “goat nation.” We are to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and help them in any way we can to become “sheep nations” and not “goat nations.” It is our job to give them hope. We have been given the greatest message of hope the world has ever, or will ever, hear—the Gospel of the Kingdom.” Rick Joyner
Be aware of making wrong alignments.
Stones and colors for Tevet
Dark Blue, Sapphire, and Turquoise
Many Blessings,
Pastor Karen-Elisabeth
*Here is an article in the Jerusalem Post about remains of the Seleucid fortress found last month.