KISLEV 5782 

Kislev is the 9th month of the Hebrew year.

It corresponds with the months of November or December

November 4th to December 5th 

It is 29 or 30 days 

It is a month of darkness

A month of Light shining in the darkness

Month of dreams and visions 

The forty days and nights of rainfall which covered the face of earth with water in Noah’s time ended and Kislev is the month of the rainbow.

Festival – Chanukah  

Dec 1, 2021 or Kislev 21, 5782     

Being the darkest month, the holiday is a celebration of Light. Chanukah begins in Kislev and ends in Tevet.


History of Chanukah

The evil ruler, Syrian-Greek Antiochus1, forcefully tried to uproot the beliefs and practices of the Jewish people. He had banned reading the Torah, and at one point, forced the elders to eat meat from a pig, which had been sacrificed in the Temple.


The Israelites, tired of the oppression, liberated the Temple on the 25th of Kislev from the powerful armies of the Syrian-Greek Antiochus I.


They immediately repaired, cleansed, and rededicated the Temple to God. With the Temple’s oil having been defiled, the Jews found only a small vessel of the ritually pure olive oil remaining to light the menorah.  Amazingly, the one-day vessel of oil burned for eight days – the miracle of Chanukah.


Jesus celebrated Chanukah 

Like Purim, Chanukah came later than the other feasts the Lord gave in Leviticus and Number.

But, we see in John 10:22 that Jesus celebrated it just the same. Knowing how Jesus loved the Temple and how He cleansed it Himself, you can imagine how dear this festival might have been to His heart.


Knowing the center candle of the menorah is the shammash, or servant candle (“I am the light of the world” John 8:12)) and that this candle is used to light the other candles and makes us “Light” (“You are the light of the world. Matthew 5:14) brings a special meaning to this winter festival.



Rededicate your temple to the Lord. 

Ask Jesus how to shine brighter.

Journal His response.


Benjamin is the 12th son of Jacob completing his tribe.  He was the second child of Rachel, who died in child birth.  Knowing she was failing she called him, Been-oni, son of my pain. 

Jacob renamed him calling him Benjamin meaning, “son of the right hand” and “son of good fortune” from jamin.


Names are very important in Hebrew. Your name, is not just a pleasant sound, but speaks to your identity and your character. When a name is changed it follows with a change in identity and character…God’s identity for Ben was to be “the son of the right hand.”


Ben was the only son born in the Promised Land making this the month to stand in prayer for Israel, for God’s Promised land.  Remember the Lord said, “I will bless those who bless you” (Gen. 12:3).


While Benjamin was “the son of my right hand,” he was a left-handed warrior.   He was trained to hit the mark.


they were armed with bows and were able to shoot arrows or to sling stones right-handed or left-handed; they were relatives of Saul from the tribe of Benjamin): 1 Chronicles 12:2


Stay focused on God’s call don’t’ miss the mark.


Even though Jacob over protected Ben – God’s Will was not for Ben to be overprotected. 


Benjamin is a ravenous (torn pieces provide for food) wolf; (devour – nocturnal –

In the morning he shall devour the prey, And at night he shall divide the spoil.

Genesis 49:27-


Benjamin was the most spirited and warlike of all the tribes; a wolf who is morning and evening, hunting after prey. 


Saul and Jonathan hail from this tribe.  


This is a month to learn your spiritual weapons and employ them. A month to develop your war strategies.



Spend a few minutes and seek the Lord.

Ask the Lord what your weapon is for the season and to teach you how to use it. 

Ask Him to give you a new weapon.

Ask Him for new strategies for war.


warfare strategies, and a month to have prophetic revelation for war. 

1 Thessalonians 5:20


Meditate on prophecies already received.  

Ask God how to get a fresh word of prophesy, perhaps ask a Pastor, a friend, through Scripture.


“Believe the prophets and you will prosper” 2 Chronicles 20:20


The mazal or constellation for the month of Kislev is Sagittarius, the arching bow. 

Reminding us of our responsibility to be guardians of the earth. Genesis 9:12


The bow was first seen in the sky after the flood in Kislev.

“The month of the rainbow. You must “war” to have peace. This Biblical concept is very important to recognize. Peace will not just happen; we have to choose to stand in faith, joy, and thanksgiving. Don’t accept the words of the “accuser of the brethren” (Revelation 12:10) against anyone. Trust the Lord to take care of “problem people” and don’t worry about them. Paul exhorts us to “walk properly, as in the day … not in strife and envy” (Romans 13:13).

Warfare is not just battling against chaos attacking you. Rather, you must be on the offensive, attacking the conflict, and having peace in the midst of it.”  Chuck Pierce


It is a month to shoot straight and move on – make your decisions and move on it. 

Don’t be afraid to cut your losses and go forward.


Samech – A ring or circle 

To come full circle 

Second chance to come full circle

Old enemies can circle around – warfare


“It signifies trust, confidence, support, and coming full circle. We are in a season of developing trust and confidence. If those attributes remain undeveloped, you will find yourself going around the “same old cycle” again and again and will not break into the new. Meditate on Hebrew 10:35 [1]. Rest in the truth of what you experienced during the Feast of Tabernacles—that Jesus wants to be part of your family, part of your regular daily life.”  Chuck Pierce 


Because it is the darkest month people tend to sleep more having more dreams, so it is a month of dreams. 


The Lord releases revelation He has stored up in the night.  Remember, our day is to begin with rest, sleep and, dreams.  Let the Lord reset your day.



Ask God for dreams and revelation.

If you have had trauma in the night that is disrupting your sleep, this is the season to get it redeemed.  

Forgiveness may be in order before you can have it redeemed. 

Ask God to complete the healing and seek revelation and dreams.

“He gives His beloved sleep.”

Psalm 127:2



Pastor Karen-Elisabeth